Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Smile please?

"When a devotee with all his heart and soul serves Krsna, dresses him in nice garments and gives him a flower, Krsna smiles. If you can get Krishna to smile upon you just once, your life's goal is fulfilled." - Srila Prabhupad, Lecture SB 3.25.12, 12th November, 1974

Vishaka mataji's girirajji

As my eyes took in the slow dawn of day
my fingers felt the soft wood
bead by bead - transcendental wood of tulsidevi
My mind the wonderful traveller
a thousand places did it visit

A thread of desire was visited and explored
Memories entangled with that thread
of gopi dots, peacock feathers, ghee lamps
of chandan, mukut pieces, chadars
caused that familiar longing
longing to serve your beautiful deity form...

How can I ever anticipate that sweet mercy of yours?
"Anuradha? Can you come paint and dress up my girirajji?"
Amazement and wonder continues to be my friend
as your mercy continues to flow...

Smile please?

Saturday, May 16, 2009

Thunder !

The sweetest sounds to mortals given Are heard in Mother, Home, and Heaven. ~William Goldsmith Brown

Definitely in heaven!

Of all the descriptions given in the scriptures about Krishna, the one I have most trouble visualizing or conceptualizing in my mind are the sounds of the spiritual world. The one thing I yearn most to hear... Krishna's flute, the cakora birds, the koyal, the peacocks, and of course the 'deep resounding thunderlike' voice of Krishna.

"Krishna's deep voice resounds like a rumbling cloud and his tinkling ornaments allure the ears...." - Chapter 6, Gayatri Mahima Madhuri

This quote about his voice was a little hard to find. I used to wonder and wonder if there are any descriptions about Krishna's voice and then I chanced upon this when I was reading the Gayatri book. But there are countless about his ever enchanting, mesmerizing flute playing :)

"..Krishna's flute vibrates eight different tunes. Demigods like Lord Brahma and Lord Siva break their meditation and forget everything when the first tune pierces their ears. Lord Siva stops playing his din-din drum. Lord Brahma sits astonished on his lotus flower, and Lord Ananta Sesa begins swaying hypnotically.
The second tune makes the Yamuna flow backwards.
The moon stops moving upon hearing the third tune.
Cows run up to Krishna, and stand motionless with upraised ears to drink the nectar of the fourth tune.
The fifth note brings the gopis madly running-eager for Krishna's love.
The sixth tune creates autumn, replete with juicy fruits and rich foliage
Stones melt when caressed by this note
The seventh note instantly ushes in all six seasons manifesting their full splendor with gentle, sensous southern breezes carrying the perfumed aromas of fresh forest flowers.

The eighth note of Syama's seductive flute takes the name of Radha...."

Well I don't know whether it is going to take me lifetimes or just this lifetime to hear what I yearn to hear but one thing is for sure.... all my yearnings for sounds of the spiritual world is COMPLETELY satisfied by .....

Ching Ching Chinggg....
Ching Ching Chinggg....

Hare Krishna Hare Krishna Krishna Krishna Hare Hare...

Hare Rama Hare Rama Rama Rama Hare Hare...

Yess.....those soul stirring kirtans that just teases those senses of ours with visions of the spiritual world and incomparable bliss...

Sunday, May 10, 2009

Atma Nivedana

A devotee once told me,
" We offer so many services to Krishna......we offer him garlands, we make prasad and offer it, we offer our kirtans, our bhajans yet in the process of offering him all these services, we forget to offer him ourselves! "
Krishna accepts anything offered with love but all he is really looking for is YOU. And that is the hardest thing to offer. The false ego of me, mine never lets us actually do this. Every activity we do, each and every step and action we take in our lives, from bathing, eating, studying.....everything is geared towards one goal......satisfy the self.

We can classify every action as geared towards
1) Sense pleasure
2) Intelligence & Mind pleasure
3) False ego pleasure

Think about it....every small thing we do can be classified under these things. Even devotional service. When I make garlands, it satisfies my senses to see the beautiful flowers, satisfies my intelligence to arrange it in a pattern, and finally satisfies my ego when somebody says, 'oh what a beautiful garland you've made!'. Even though, I'm making it for Krishna, this tinge of ego pleasure never goes away. I would say that ego pleasure is the hardest to overcome. Whatever service we do, the sense of the self doing it hardly goes away....
(I am of course talking about common neophyte devotees like me and not elevated souls where can see actual 'selfless service')

Now you can argue that if even devotional service is performed to satisfy the material senses and ego then why do it? Well.....the only answer I have for this is to ask you to actually spend a day doing service. Yes, my ego is being satisfied, my intelligence is being satisfied when I listen to a good lecture or read sound philosophy, my senses are being satisfied when I listen to beautiful, heartmoving kirtans and bhajans.......yet, at the end of the day, when I go home....when I get a moment to ponder on my pleasure and enjoyment, I realize, this pleasure is something much much deeper.......it is the pleasure of the satisfaction of the soul....:)